
Showing posts from August, 2015

12 months of embracing the unknown

My Dear Son, One year ago you were born.  One year ago I arrived at the hospital with a keen awareness of what was about to happen to me, but also with the realization that much was unknown.  I knew these things for certain; I was about to be given a heavy dose of anesthesia, my lower abdomen was going to be cut open through multiple layers of tissue, a small person would be removed from my uterus, and then I would be given multiple drugs to recover and trick my body into believing that I had given birth.  I knew that I would be in a lot of pain for the next few weeks as I tried to manage having a newborn and a toddler in the house at the same time.  Oddly enough these things were nothing compared to the unknown.   One year ago you were the unknown.  You had spent the last 19 weeks testing every ounce of my faith.  I knew that you were feisty from the amount of movement that I felt, and that you were going to be much smaller than your older brother had been at birth